Mar 15-16, 2025

Fatigue Management Course

Santiago, Chile

General Information

The IFALPA Fatigue Management (FM) Course is intended for all parties involved in the management of fatigue in air operations. The course is not intended to replicate or replace basic FM training for line pilots, which is usually provided by the operator.

Participation in the course is suited to:

  • Pilot members of an IFALPA Member Association (MA) intending to be a “fatigue-management-champion” with their MA.
  • Pilot representatives participating in their operator’s Fatigue Safety Action Group (FSAG) or fatigue committee.
  • Other FSAG participants, such as: Safety Managers, Fatigue Risk Management System (FRMS) Managers, and Regulators involved in the oversight of FM.

Facilitators will lead participants through the established fatigue science and standards to progressively build up their knowledge of the available resources so they are able to put these into practice in real-world situations.

Two days of instruction and discussion in FM culminate in simulated FSAG practical exercises. This is an intensive course and attendees should expect a full interactive schedule and course prereading requirements. 

Course Fee: $575 CAD, includes coffee breaks and lunch.

Course Details

IFALPA Fatigue Management Course participants will become familiar with the theory of fatigue management and fatigue risk management as it applies to aviation.

The course places emphasis on the practical application of the concepts will develop participants to become fatigue champions for their associations or organizations.

Course Outline

  • ICAO Fatigue Management SARPs and their Intent
  • Background of Fatigue
  • Fatigue Countermeasures
  • Measuring Fatigue
  • Safety Reporting Requirements
  • Managing Fatigue
  • Hazard Identification and Safety Performance Indicators
  • Biomathematical Modelling (BMM)
  • Components of an FRMS
  • The Fatigue Safety Action Group (FSAG)
  • Review exercises
  • Common mistakes to Avoid when implementing Fatigue Management

About the Instructors

Dr. Antti Tuori

Dr. Antti Tuori is a commercial airline pilot, a medical doctor with a subspeciality in aviation medicine, and EASA Aeromedical Examiner. Working actively in Finnair as captain of airbus 350 and 330 and as EASA Aeromedical Examiner. A vice chair of IFALPA (International Federation of Airline Pilots Associations) Human Factors committee being in charge of medical issues. Member of Training, Licensing & Operations group in European Cockpit Association. Has been involved in different ICAO and EASA aeromedical activities. A crew representative for Occupational Safety and Fatigue Action group and coordinator of the Peer Support Group in Finnair.

Mr. Lachlan Gray

Mr. Lachlan Gray is a commercial airline pilot and fatigue management and aviation safety expert based in Australia with experience mostly flying Bombardier Dash 8 aircraft. He is a Co-Chair of the IFALPA Fatigue Management Working Group (FMWG). Has experience in safety advocacy to Government on a range of aviation standards and reform matters and has tertiary qualifications in aviation management and human factors. Is currently working for the Australian Federation of Air Pilots in a safety advocacy and representative role that includes a focus on a wide array of matters in addition to fatigue management, including those associated with airspace and aerodromes. 

Íñigo Martín Apoita

Íñigo Martín Apoita is a short and medium haul pilot for Iberia, based in Madrid. He serves as the Technical Director at Sindicato Español de Pilotos de Líneas Aéreas (SEPLA) and is a recognized Fatigue Management Expert and Facilitator in Spain (SENASA). He teaches FRMS implementation for aviation authorities and operators, as well as fatigue management techniques for air crews. Additionally, he is a Flight Instructor, MCC Instructor, and CRM Expert.


Fees & Cancellations

The course fee is $575 CAD per person including lunch and coffee breaks.

The cost of personal travel, accommodations, and additional meals are not included and are the responsibility of individual attendees. 

Cancellation: Course fees are non-refundable after 28 February 2025

Hosting Association

Asociacion de Pilotos de Chile



Register Here

Registration deadline: 07 March 2025